The mqtt climate platform lets you control your MQTT enabled HVAC devices.


To enable this climate platform in your installation, first add the following to your configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI. [Learn more] file. After changing the configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI. [Learn more] file, restart Home Assistant to apply the changes.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - climate:
      name: Study
      mode_command_topic: "study/ac/mode/set"

Configuration Variables

action_template template (Optional)

A template to render the value received on the action_topic with.

action_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic to subscribe for changes of the current action. If this is set, the climate graph uses the value received as data source. A “None” payload resets the current action state. An empty payload is ignored. Valid action values: off, heating, cooling, drying, idle, fan.

availability list (Optional)

A list of MQTT topics subscribed to receive availability (online/offline) updates. Must not be used together with availability_topic.

payload_available string (Optional, default: online)

The payload that represents the available state.

payload_not_available string (Optional, default: offline)

The payload that represents the unavailable state.

topic string Required

An MQTT topic subscribed to receive availability (online/offline) updates.

value_template template (Optional)

Defines a template to extract device’s availability from the topic. To determine the devices’s availability result of this template will be compared to payload_available and payload_not_available.

availability_mode string (Optional, default: latest)

When availability is configured, this controls the conditions needed to set the entity to available. Valid entries are all, any, and latest. If set to all, payload_available must be received on all configured availability topics before the entity is marked as online. If set to any, payload_available must be received on at least one configured availability topic before the entity is marked as online. If set to latest, the last payload_available or payload_not_available received on any configured availability topic controls the availability.

availability_template template (Optional)

Defines a template to extract device’s availability from the availability_topic. To determine the devices’s availability result of this template will be compared to payload_available and payload_not_available.

availability_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic subscribed to receive availability (online/offline) updates. Must not be used together with availability.

current_humidity_template template (Optional)

A template with which the value received on current_humidity_topic will be rendered.

current_humidity_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic on which to listen for the current humidity. A "None" value received will reset the current humidity. Empty values (''') will be ignored.

current_temperature_template template (Optional)

A template with which the value received on current_temperature_topic will be rendered.

current_temperature_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic on which to listen for the current temperature. A "None" value received will reset the current temperature. Empty values (''') will be ignored.

device map (Optional)

Information about the device this HVAC device is a part of to tie it into the device registry. Only works when unique_id is set. At least one of identifiers or connections must be present to identify the device.

configuration_url string (Optional)

A link to the webpage that can manage the configuration of this device. Can be either an http://, https:// or an internal homeassistant:// URL.

connections list (Optional)

A list of connections of the device to the outside world as a list of tuples [connection_type, connection_identifier]. For example the MAC address of a network interface: "connections": [["mac", "02:5b:26:a8:dc:12"]].

hw_version string (Optional)

The hardware version of the device.

identifiers list | string (Optional)

A list of IDs that uniquely identify the device. For example a serial number.

manufacturer string (Optional)

The manufacturer of the device.

model string (Optional)

The model of the device.

model_id string (Optional)

The model identifier of the device.

name string (Optional)

The name of the device.

serial_number string (Optional)

The serial number of the device.

suggested_area string (Optional)

Suggest an area if the device isn’t in one yet.

sw_version string (Optional)

The firmware version of the device.

via_device string (Optional)

Identifier of a device that routes messages between this device and Home Assistant. Examples of such devices are hubs, or parent devices of a sub-device. This is used to show device topology in Home Assistant.

enabled_by_default boolean (Optional, default: true)

Flag which defines if the entity should be enabled when first added.

encoding string (Optional, default: utf-8)

The encoding of the payloads received and published messages. Set to "" to disable decoding of incoming payload.

entity_category string (Optional)

The category of the entity.

fan_mode_command_template template (Optional)

A template to render the value sent to the fan_mode_command_topic with.

fan_mode_command_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic to publish commands to change the fan mode.

fan_mode_state_template template (Optional)

A template to render the value received on the fan_mode_state_topic with.

fan_mode_state_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic to subscribe for changes of the HVAC fan mode. If this is not set, the fan mode works in optimistic mode (see below). A “None” payload resets the fan mode state. An empty payload is ignored.

fan_modes list (Optional)

A list of supported fan modes.


[“auto”, “low”, “medium”, “high”]

initial float (Optional)

Set the initial target temperature. The default value depends on the temperature unit and will be 21° or 69.8°F.

icon icon (Optional)

Icon for the entity.

json_attributes_template template (Optional)

Defines a template to extract the JSON dictionary from messages received on the json_attributes_topic. Usage example can be found in MQTT sensor documentation.

json_attributes_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic subscribed to receive a JSON dictionary payload and then set as sensor attributes. Usage example can be found in MQTT sensor documentation.

max_humidity float (Optional, default: 99)

The minimum target humidity percentage that can be set.

max_temp float (Optional)

Maximum set point available. The default value depends on the temperature unit, and will be 35°C or 95°F.

min_humidity float (Optional, default: 30)

The maximum target humidity percentage that can be set.

min_temp float (Optional)

Minimum set point available. The default value depends on the temperature unit, and will be 7°C or 44.6°F.

mode_command_template template (Optional)

A template to render the value sent to the mode_command_topic with.

mode_command_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic to publish commands to change the HVAC operation mode.

mode_state_template template (Optional)

A template to render the value received on the mode_state_topic with.

mode_state_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic to subscribe for changes of the HVAC operation mode. If this is not set, the operation mode works in optimistic mode (see below). A “None” payload resets to an unknown state. An empty payload is ignored.

modes list (Optional)

A list of supported modes. Needs to be a subset of the default values.


[“auto”, “off”, “cool”, “heat”, “dry”, “fan_only”]

name string (Optional, default: MQTT HVAC)

The name of the HVAC. Can be set to null if only the device name is relevant.

object_id string (Optional)

Used instead of name for automatic generation of entity_id

optimistic boolean (Optional)

Flag that defines if the climate works in optimistic mode


true if no state topic defined, else false.

payload_available string (Optional, default: online)

The payload that represents the available state.

payload_not_available string (Optional, default: offline)

The payload that represents the unavailable state.

payload_off string (Optional, default: OFF)

The payload sent to turn off the device.

payload_on string (Optional, default: ON)

The payload sent to turn the device on.

power_command_template template (Optional)

A template to render the value sent to the power_command_topic with. The value parameter is the payload set for payload_on or payload_off.

power_command_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic to publish commands to change the HVAC power state. Sends the payload configured with payload_on if the climate is turned on via the climate.turn_on, or the payload configured with payload_off if the climate is turned off via the climate.turn_off action. Note that optimistic mode is not supported through climate.turn_on and climate.turn_off actions. When called, these actions will send a power command to the device but will not optimistically update the state of the climate entity. The climate device should report its state back via mode_state_topic.

precision float (Optional)

The desired precision for this device. Can be used to match your actual thermostat’s precision. Supported values are 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0.


0.1 for Celsius and 1.0 for Fahrenheit.

preset_mode_command_template template (Optional)

Defines a template to generate the payload to send to preset_mode_command_topic.

preset_mode_command_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic to publish commands to change the preset mode.

preset_mode_state_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic subscribed to receive climate speed based on presets. When preset ‘none’ is received or None the preset_mode will be reset.

preset_mode_value_template template (Optional)

Defines a template to extract the preset_mode value from the payload received on preset_mode_state_topic.

preset_modes list (Optional, default: [])

List of preset modes this climate is supporting. Common examples include eco, away, boost, comfort, home, sleep and activity.

qos integer (Optional, default: 0)

The maximum QoS level to be used when receiving and publishing messages.

retain boolean (Optional, default: false)

Defines if published messages should have the retain flag set.

swing_mode_command_template template (Optional)

A template to render the value sent to the swing_mode_command_topic with.

swing_mode_command_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic to publish commands to change the swing mode.

swing_mode_state_template template (Optional)

A template to render the value received on the swing_mode_state_topic with.

swing_mode_state_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic to subscribe for changes of the HVAC swing mode. If this is not set, the swing mode works in optimistic mode (see below).

swing_modes list (Optional, default: [“on”, “off”])

A list of supported swing modes.

target_humidity_command_template template (Optional)

Defines a template to generate the payload to send to target_humidity_command_topic.

target_humidity_command_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic to publish commands to change the target humidity.

target_humidity_state_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic subscribed to receive the target humidity. If this is not set, the target humidity works in optimistic mode (see below). A "None" value received will reset the target humidity. Empty values (''') will be ignored.

target_humidity_state_template template (Optional)

Defines a template to extract a value for the climate target_humidity state.

temperature_command_template template (Optional)

A template to render the value sent to the temperature_command_topic with.

temperature_command_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic to publish commands to change the target temperature.

temperature_high_command_template template (Optional)

A template to render the value sent to the temperature_high_command_topic with.

temperature_high_command_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic to publish commands to change the high target temperature.

temperature_high_state_template template (Optional)

A template to render the value received on the temperature_high_state_topic with. A "None" value received will reset the temperature high set point. Empty values (''') will be ignored.

temperature_high_state_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic to subscribe for changes in the target high temperature. If this is not set, the target high temperature works in optimistic mode (see below).

temperature_low_command_template template (Optional)

A template to render the value sent to the temperature_low_command_topic with.

temperature_low_command_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic to publish commands to change the target low temperature.

temperature_low_state_template template (Optional)

A template to render the value received on the temperature_low_state_topic with. A "None" value received will reset the temperature low set point. Empty values (''') will be ignored.

temperature_low_state_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic to subscribe for changes in the target low temperature. If this is not set, the target low temperature works in optimistic mode (see below).

temperature_state_template template (Optional)

A template to render the value received on the temperature_state_topic with.

temperature_state_topic string (Optional)

The MQTT topic to subscribe for changes in the target temperature. If this is not set, the target temperature works in optimistic mode (see below). A "None" value received will reset the temperature set point. Empty values (''') will be ignored.

temperature_unit string (Optional)

Defines the temperature unit of the device, C or F. If this is not set, the temperature unit is set to the system temperature unit.

temp_step float (Optional, default: 1)

Step size for temperature set point.

unique_id string (Optional)

An ID that uniquely identifies this HVAC device. If two HVAC devices have the same unique ID, Home Assistant will raise an exception.

value_template template (Optional)

Default template to render the payloads on all *_state_topics with.

Optimistic mode

If a property works in optimistic mode (when the corresponding state topic is not set), Home Assistant will assume that any state changes published to the command topics did work and change the internal state of the entity immediately after publishing to the command topic. If it does not work in optimistic mode, the internal state of the entity is only updated when the requested update is confirmed by the device through the state topic. You can enforce optimistic mode by setting the optimistic option to true. When set, the internal state will always be updated, even when a state topic is defined.

Using templates

For all *_state_topics, a template can be specified that will be used to render the incoming payloads on these topics. Also, a default template that applies to all state topics can be specified as value_template. This can be useful if you received payloads are e.g., in JSON format. Since in JSON, a quoted string (e.g., "foo") is just a string, this can also be used for unquoting.

Say you receive the operation mode "auto" via your mode_state_topic, but the mode is actually called just auto, here’s what you could do:

  - climate:
      name: Study
        - "off"
        - "heat"
        - "auto"
      mode_command_topic: "study/ac/mode/set"
      mode_state_topic: "study/ac/mode/state"
      mode_state_template: "{{ value_json }}"

This will parse the incoming "auto" as JSON, resulting in auto. Obviously, in this case you could also just set value_template: "{{ value_json }}".

Similarly for *_command_topics, a template can be specified to render the outgoing payloads on these topics.


A full configuration example looks like the one below.

# Full example configuration.yaml entry
  - climate:
      name: Study
        - "off"
        - "cool"
        - "fan_only"
        - "on"
        - "off"
        - "high"
        - "medium"
        - "low"
        - "eco"
        - "sleep"
        - "activity"
      power_command_topic: "study/ac/power/set"
      preset_mode_command_topic: "study/ac/preset_mode/set"
      mode_command_topic: "study/ac/mode/set"
      mode_command_template: "{{ value if value=="off" else "on" }}"
      temperature_command_topic: "study/ac/temperature/set"
      fan_mode_command_topic: "study/ac/fan/set"
      swing_mode_command_topic: "study/ac/swing/set"
      precision: 1.0